Jeli Trip..

7:21 AM Miriam 1 Comments

The next thing that happen is we had a trip to Jeli today to see the new UMK Campus. Well technically let me let the pictures tell you the story..

The construction site of Jeli campus

 The water tower..

 The front is the FASA faculty building and the back is the hostel

The faculty building.

 The overall layout of the campus..

 The hall in construction..

So technically that's all that is available in Jeli campus. Seriously and they said that we are shifting in April or September. Are they serious? How are we going to live in this place? :( And are we going to study while they continue building the campus? Hmm..

Next we continued to 'Bandar Jeli'. So technically I was expecting a city.. but all I could see was a 'Pekan Jeli' =.= Here are some pictures..
The bus station..

Some food shops

It is seriously a small town and the nearest mart to the campus is a Petronas station. *sigh* So much different compared to Pengkalan Chepa.. No more Pantai Timur, no more KB Mall... T.T

So after resting a while, we continued our journey and had a rest stop at a mosque for the Muslim students to pray. The mosque is a replica of the Beijing Mosque. Here are some pictures.. 

A very unique design for a mosque. Not the usual architecture..

Anyway, we continued our journey and stopped at a nearby food outlet to have lunch. Then we went back to UMK Pengkalan Chepa campus..
Quite a tiring day but really an eye opener..

Tomorrow I have to go to Terengganu for a preperation camp for candidates for MPP. Wish me luck.


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