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On the 26th of May 2013, I-Gem UMK 2013 was held at the Perumahan TNB Pergau. It was to commemorate and give appreciation to all those respe...
The next thing that happen is we had a trip to Jeli today to see the new UMK Campus. Well technically let me let the pictures tell you the s...
It's been quite some time since I last updated this blog but here are some of the past events that happened. Ø ~ Trip to Terengganu...
Back from the trip to Terengganu :) Finally~ Went there for a preparation course for the candidate of the UMK Student Body. Well.. Let me t...
On the < > a speaker came and gave a talk for Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship. The speaker came and gave us a talk about business f...
This is the banner I created for Dr. Kassim's class. What do you think? It's a banner for Jeli campus... There are a few more opt...
Hey everyone sorry for the super long hiatus. But I promise to continuously update this blog. And the first post is Cultural Night at UMK Je...
Once again, the new intake for University Malaysia Kelantan starts! Welcome to all those new juniors who were offered a place at UMK, especi...
Firstly I would like to welcome all my readers that will read this blog. The main intention of this blog is to let all of you know what is g...
There are a couple of events that happened before the Chinese New Year break so let's start with... FASA Sports which occurred on the 1s...