Asas Keusahawanan Talk and KARISMA meeting.

7:20 AM Miriam 2 Comments

The next event was the talk for the Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship subject. This talk was to prepare us for the coming Entrepreneur Bazaar Week. The topic was Business Opportunities Selection and Entrepreneur’s Key Characteristics by Mr. Nadzrin Mohd Nawi. He is from Jepun Mari company who distributes Japan items. So he gave us a talk on how to do business and grab opportunities during the bazaar. We also manage to ask him some questions on how to attract customers.

He taught us some important values like :

Entrepreneur’s Key Characteristics
1)      Self-confidence
a. you can do it
b. no excuses (Unless gov rules)
c. Be independent (help yourself)
d. Think positive
2)      Info seeking
a. current market
b. sources/supply
c. customer profile
d. competition
e. location
3)      Build trust
a. efficient work ethic
b. keep your word
c. supplier
d. customer
4)      Creative
a. products/service differentiation
b. dare to be different
c. capital seeking
d. reinvent existing model
5)      Time management
a. keep your promise
b. on time (before time)
c. No excuses
d. Plan ahead
e. Never procrastinate
6)      Customer satisfaction
a. smile offline/online
b. humble
c. customer has rights
d. don’t fight
e. put self in customer’s shoes

This really taught us and gave us ideas on how to operate our business successfully. Thanks to him I really learnt alot! :)

So after the talk, I had to rush for KARISMA meeting. Let me introduce KARISMA. It is a club on the national level that was initiated by the government based on the 1Malaysia concept. And this club is participated by all IPTA and IPTS. So, after one semester, we manage to establish a branch at UMK. :)

Since I was the vice-president so I had to organise this meeting with my president and to group up all the members. We had to encourage the students of UMK to participate in this club as it is encouraged by the government and also it is a good help to build the students positively. So that night we had the meeting to introduce KARISMA to the new members and also to take picture for the KARISMA card that we were making. Then the board members had a meeting for the launching of the club which will take place around March. 

Here's a bit about KARISMA UMK. The blogspot address is and also for the Facebook page. Please feel free to check it out :)

Ø  3 Bilah Sabit Terpisah
Tiga bilah sabit terpisah membawa pengertian kepada tiga bangsa utama yang menyertai KARISMA Universiti Malaysia Kelantan  iaitu Melayu,Cina dan India. Setiap mahasiswa tidak mengira kaum layak menyertai KARISMA tetapi mesti mengikuti modul yang ditetapkan terlebih dahulu.

Ø  Pusaran yang Searah
Pusaran yang searah tersebut memperlihatkan kesepakatan dalam kalangan ahli KARISMA. Walaupun berlainan bangsa dan agama mereka tetap bersatu hati dan bersepakat dalam apa juga keadaan mahupun situasi.

Ø  Sabit Berwarna Biru
Warna biru pada salah satu sabit melambangkan simbol perpaduan yang diterapkan dalam Rakan Siswa Jasa Malaysia seiring dengan hasrat  Gagasan 1 Malaysia. Selain itu, warna biru merupakan lambang nilai kepimpinan  yang diterapkan dalam kumpulan ini. KARISMA turutmelatih ahli untuk mempunyai daya kepimpinan yang tinggi serta mempunyai nilai integriti yang mantap.

Ø  Sabit Berwarna Merah
Sabit berwarna merah pula memberi erti kepada keberanian serta kekuatan  dalam diri setiap ahli KARISMA sama ada dari segi fizikal mahupun mental. Selain itu, merah menunjukkan bahawa setiap ahli kumpulan sentiasa bersedia dalam apa jua keadaan dan situasi.

Ø  Sabit Berwarna Kuning
Seterusnya, salah satu sabit yang berwarna kuning memberi pengertian kesetiaan kepada raja dan negara, selaras dengan Rukun Negara.  Selain itu, setiap ahli kumpulan akan sentiasa memberikan kerjasama dan menun jukkan sokongan kepada  kepimpinan yang terlibat tidak kira tahap tertinggi mahupun di peringkat kelab.

Ø  Dua Garisan Berwarna Jingga
Warna jingga yang terdapat pada dua garisanmerupakan warna semulajadi  buah pinang yang melambangkan warisan.

Ø  Perkataan KARISMA
KARISMA merupakan akronim  kepada Kumpulan Rakan Siswa Jasa Malaysia. Selain itu, perkataan karisma itu sendiri  membawa erti kepada ketokohan. Secara tidak langsung pengertian ini menjadikan setiap ahli lebih bersungguh-sungguh dalam menerapkan nilai karisma dalam diri mereka.

UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN yang tertera pada logo mewakili sekretariat KARISMA ini adalah daripada Universiti Malaysia Kelantan.


  1. Hey,
    I just came across this blog. Glad that you have learned alot from the talk.

    Best of luck in anything you do.

    Take care.

    My regards to all AF1013 students from your batch. :)

